Extra Block Types (EBT) - New Layout Builder experience❗

Extra Block Types (EBT) - styled, customizable block types: Slideshows, Tabs, Cards, Accordions and many others. Built-in settings for background, DOM Box, javascript plugins. Experience the future of layout building today.

Demo EBT modules Download EBT modules

❗Extra Paragraph Types (EPT) - New Paragraphs experience

Extra Paragraph Types (EPT) - analogical paragraph based set of modules.

Demo EPT modules Download EPT modules


Установка Друпала на хостинг

22/02/2025, by Гость (не проверено)


При установке Друпала возникла проблема такого плана: 

PHP register globals Enabled ('1')
register_globals is enabled. Drupal requires this configuration directive to be disabled. Your site may not be secure when register_globals is enabled. The PHP manual has instructions for how


Как победить эту проблему??

Пожалуйста опешите подробней борьбу с недугом. Smile
