08/10/2023, by Ivan

EPT: Timeline module overview

Extra Paragraph Types (EPT): Timeline module provides ability to add a paragraph with timeline.


composer require drupal/ept_timeline

EPT Timeline contains all EPT module features including DOM Box, background color / Image / Video, Edge to Edge settings:


Drupal releases


Drupal 5.0 is released

17 Jan 2007

This release incorporates jQuery, a young open source project. Drupal's support helps jQuery gain attention and then it rises to huge popularity. jQuery adds a second license (MIT+GPL) at Drupal's request. This release also introduces install profiles and a web based installer.

Drupal 6.0 released

13 Feb 2008

This release features a rewritten menu system, and an Update Status module which prompts admins to update their modules, especially after a security release.

Drupal 7.0 released

06 Jan 2011

More than 250 PARTIES IN OVER 90 COUNTRIES were held to celebrate this great release. Drupal 7 is still the most popular Drupal release, featuring the Seven theme, designed by MARK BOULTON and LEISA REICHELT.

Drupal 8.0 released

15 Nov 2015

Five years in the making, Drupal 8 embraces objects and declarative configuration. Entity API, Twig, and Accessibility are the talk at the CELEBR8 WORLDWIDE RELEASE PARTIES.

Drupal 9.0 released

03 Jun 2020

The first Drupal release with no new functionality - and that's great! Drupal 9 has the same functionality as Drupal 8.9, but without a lot of backward compatibility code. The RELEASE PARTIES were virtual, as this happened during the times of Covid.

Drupal 10 release

14 Dec 2022

Drupal 10 comes with even more features that Drupal developers and users love. What sets Drupal apart is its flexibility; modularity is one of its core principles. With Drupal 10, users will find even more incredible tools to help build the versatile, structured content that dynamic web experiences require.