EBT Documentation
Welcome to EBT's documentation. Extra Block Types (EBT) modules are number of Drupal modules expired by Guttenberg, Elementor, WP Bakery page builders. In combination with Layout Builder, these modules make it effortless to construct landing pages.
As a Drupal site builder or developer, you know that blocks are a fundamental building block of any website. However, the standard block types that Drupal provides can be limiting when it comes to creating custom layouts and designs.
Extra Block Types (EBT), Drupal modules that extend the capabilities of Drupal's block system by providing new and powerful block types. With EBT, you can create custom blocks with rich content, dynamic layouts, and advanced functionality that would otherwise require custom code or multiple modules.
Here is a list of available EBT modules:
You don't need to install all of these modules, just take what you need for your site. All EBT modules can be used separately from each other. Each EBT module will create own Block Type with own Paragraph types.
You can also easily extend existing EBT block type or create new one. I will be glad to include your changes for EBT modules!
Thank you for using EBT module! I will be glad for any ideas for EBT modules:
If you want to download all EBT modules with composer at once, you can use this command:
If you want to download all EBT modules with composer at once, you can use this command:
composer require drupal/ebt_accordion drupal/ebt_basic_button drupal/ebt_block drupal/ebt_bootstrap_button drupal/ebt_cta drupal/ebt_carousel drupal/ebt_countdown drupal/ebt_columns drupal/ebt_counter drupal/ebt_hero drupal/ebt_image drupal/ebt_image_gallery drupal/ebt_micromodal drupal/ebt_quote drupal/ebt_slick_slider drupal/ebt_slideshow drupal/ebt_stats drupal/ebt_tabs drupal/ebt_text drupal/ebt_tiles drupal/ebt_timeline drupal/ebt_video drupal/ebt_video_and_image_gallery drupal/ebt_views drupal/ebt_webform drupal/ebt_webform_popup