Extra Block Types (EBT) - New Layout Builder experience❗

Extra Block Types (EBT) - styled, customizable block types: Slideshows, Tabs, Cards, Accordions and many others. Built-in settings for background, DOM Box, javascript plugins. Experience the future of layout building today.

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❗Extra Paragraph Types (EPT) - New Paragraphs experience

Extra Paragraph Types (EPT) - analogical paragraph based set of modules.

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How do I use Bootstrap scrollspy?

22/02/2025, by Anonymous (not verified)

I would like to use Bootstrap's scrollspy plugin in Drupal 8. So I edited the html.html.twig file replacing

<body{{ attributes.addClass(body_classes) }}>


<body{{ attributes.addClass(body_classes) }} data-spy="scroll" data-target=".nav-scrollspy" data-offset="50" >

Where .nav-scrollspy is the class of my navigation block. Additionally I added the following JavaScript to my theme:

$('body').scrollspy({ target: '.nav-scrollspy' });

But as this does not work I were wandering whether or not this plugin is already integrated in Drupals Bootstrap theme. Apparently not, as I could not locate such a file in themes/bootstrap/js/.

Unfortunately I did not find such a file in the web neither, so I am asking my self, where to get it and how to add it to Drupal?