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1.4. Installing the theme on Drupal. Theme constructors.

15/02/2020, by Ivan

There are a lot of ready-made templates on drupal, probably more than on joomla. Let's put some design themes on our website. For this, there is already a themes folder in Drupal, where we will install themes for our site.


In order to download a theme for Drupal, we need to go to drupal.org in the Download section and select a link to choose a theme there:

drupal  темы

Let's take New Themes. Now let's sort the themes by drupal 8.x, for this we’ll select the version of our drupal (Core compatibility):

drupal темы

For example, I liked the Themage theme, you can download any other theme, just check that the kernel version number matches yours:

drupal themes

Download the theme and drop it into the themes folder:

drupal themes

Now we can enable our theme, go to Manage> Appearance> Enable and set as default:

drupal themes

Now we have a new topic on the site:

drupal themes

Theme constructor

The themes on Drupal are not always static, sometimes you can change colors, fonts, download background images. There are many such topics, usually in the description of the topic it is indicated that the design theme can.



drupal omega

The omega theme is more like a semi-finished theme that you can customize. The omega tools module for configuring it is attached to help the topic:




Fusion along with the Fusion accelerator module will allow you to configure a lot of the appearance of the theme:


Zero point


drupal zero point

Nice theme with pre-configured color schemes

Adaptive theme


Drupal adaptive theme

It also has various settings, but is more suitable for those who are familiar with css and want to make their own theme.

Модуль Skinr


Drupal skinr

Allows you to customize the appearance of blocks, forms, views, panels through the admin panel, without knowing css. It can be installed on any drupal to any topic.

You can find all popular topics on Drupal at the link below:
