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26/08/2019, by mikhail

In this article we will look at the last block of the Views Others preferences.

Views others settings

Machine name. The display ID is set as page_1, block_1 by default, and then 1 is added to the display name (page_2, page_3, etc.). It is advisable to rename the machine name if you have many displays in one view.

Administrative comment. It is displayed on the page of all submissions, it is needed in order to describe for which this submission is specifically needed. It is useful when you have several views for one functional part and you want what role a particular view plays.

Use AJAX. Adds ajax (the ability to download content without reloading the page) in Views. Ajax works on the paginator view, that is, it will switch materials between the pages of the paginator, without reloading the entire site.

Hide attachments in summary. Hides the attachment of the view when you do not have a context filter set.

Contextual links. Here you can choose to show or not contextual links. You might want to remove the contextual links for editing the view (so that your client does not go into the views) or replace them with your own.

Use aggregation. A powerful tool that uses COUNT and GROUP in a database query. We will use it in the next lesson.

Query settings. Here we are most interested in setting DISTINCT (Uniqueness), when you use relations, then you may have duplicate entries if the relationship is many to many (for example, blog entries can have many categories and rubrics can relate to many blog entries).

Caching. Views is a very heavy module, it makes cumbersome database queries with a large number of join, so it is advisable that it does this as little as possible. If you have news blocks, articles displayed on Views and which are rarely updated, it makes sense to enable caching for them at least for 1 hour, so that the block is updated 1 time per hour, and the rest of the time a cached copy of the block will be displayed.

CSS class. Try to add and use additional classes, this allows you to define a human-readable class and use it in CSS code.